
General FAQ

How do I contact

Go to our Contact Us page for address, telephone and e-mail contacts

What does Royalty-Free Mean?

Royalty-free images that you purchase and download are yours to use as often as you want and for as many projects as you want without incurring any additional charges.  You may NOT use the image on commercial products where the image becomes the main reason the product exists (example; images used on T-Shirts, coffee mugs, baseball caps etc.).

What licensing options exist?

Images can be licensed individually, in collections, or through a subscription.

Which browsers are compatible with this site?

Virtually All browsers with cookies enabled.

  • Standard Computers
  • Tablets and Pads
  • Smart Phones
  • Some dumb phones

Does my browser need to accept cookies?

Yes.  You must enable the "accept cookies" option in your browser settings. (Cookies must be accepted at both the search site ( and the Shopping Cart site (

I can’t get an image to download, what do I do?

Refer to your e-mail order confirmation (sent upon order completion) and click on the link to the Pickup Cart for your download links in your Order.  You must be signed in to view your Pickup Cart and download links.

Can I search without being registered?

Yes, you can search without registering. 

How do I get more information about an image?

Simply click on an image to display the media properties page where you will find individual purchase/download options for the image.

What do I do when my member name and password do not seem to work?

Click on the "forgot password" link where you will be able to reset your password.

Purchasing Image Content

Do I need to register to purchase or download an image?

Yes, you will need to sign up / register in order to download an image

Is it safe to use my credit card?

Yes, we use Paypal to clear credit cards. You do not have to be a member of Paypal to use your credit card.

How do I determine image prices?

Simply click on an image to display the Media Properties page containing image pricing and download options

Pay As You go Credits and Subscription Credits

How do Pay as You Go Credits work?

Credits are used when you Checkout at the rate of 1 credit equal to 1 dollar.
Credits offer excellent value if you will be purchasing more than one download.
Just add a package of Credits to an existing Shopping Cart with images and the Cart will automatically calculate the price based on Credits leaving a balance of Credits to be used at a later date.
Credits must be used within one year from the date of purchase.

How do Subscription Credits work?

Credits are used when you Checkout at the rate of 1 credit equal to 1 dollar.
Subscription Credits offer excellent value if you will be purchasing images each month.
Just add a package of Subscription Credits to an existing Shopping Cart with images and the Cart will automatically calculate the price based on the Subscription Credits ordered, leaving a balance of Credits to be used within the current period.
Each period your Credit allowance will be topped up according to the package purchased.

Downloading Images

How can I download an image I have already purchased?

Refer to your original order invoice sent via e-mail at the time of the initial purchase for the link to the pickup page for the image.  You can return to this pickup link at any time, providing you are accessing the link from the same computer that you used when you placed the initial order.  Also, you can access your profile (My Profile) and click on My Recent Orders under Order History

Do I receive an invoice?

Yes, if you are purchasing images we send you a confirmation order invoice when you complete your order checkout.

How can I save an Image to my computer?

Simply click on the "Click Here to Download Media" link on your Order Pickup page that appears automatically upon successful Checkout.  You can then select to save the image to your computer.  It is recommended that you create a folder on your computer’s hard disk that will contain the images you download for easy access.

How long does it take to download an image?

The download for individual images should be measured in seconds.  If you are downloading complete collections the speed of your internet connection will determine the length of time to complete the download.  Generally speaking, even the largest individual collection should take only a few minutes maximum to download.

Can I purchase collections online?

You can browse our collections of royalty-free images and then select the option to purchase the entire collection you want.  The complete collections are available as scalable vector files for a single low price. 

Should I purchase a single image or a complete collection?

If you think you would use more than three images from one collection, then purchasing the entire collection provides tremendous value.

Using the Images

Can I re-size an image? (Are the images scalable?)

The images are available in both JPG and WMF formats.  JPG images are fixed-size raster images that can be re-sized smaller than the originals.  Enlarging the JPG files will create a blurry, or jagged-edged image.  The WFM files are scalable vector Windows Metafiles that can be re-sized to any size desired without any effect on quality.  The resolution of a vector file is determined by the output device that you use (ex. 300 dpi laser printer etc.).